10 Building Materials That Can Be Recycled

Did you know that many common building materials can be recycled?

In fact, recycling these materials can help reduce waste and save money.

Waste from construction or demolition work is always heavy and there is usually a lot of it, accounting for up to 30% of total waste across the EU, which is another reason why its more important than ever to recycle what waste materials you can.

Here are 10 of the most common building materials that can be recycled:

1. Concrete

Concrete is the most widely used construction material in the world.

After water, concrete is the second most consumed resource on the planet.

Fortunately, concrete can be recycled and reused.

When concrete is crushed, it can be used as aggregate in new concrete or other foundations.

2. Bricks

Brick are another widely used building material and like concrete, can be recycled and reused.

Bricks can be crushed and used as aggregate in new foundations or roads as well as landscaping.

3. Gypsum

Gypsum is a common material used in construction, especially in drywall and plaster.

It can be recycled into new gypsum products or used as agricultural fertilizer.

4. Wood

Wood can be chipped down and used as mulch or wood chips, or it can be made into new lumber for construction projects.

5. Glass

Almost all building and demolition projects will handle glass and so glass recycling is important.

Glass can be crushed and used as aggregate in new projects or it can be made into new windows or other glass products.

6. Metals

Metals such as steel and aluminium are another well used building material.

Both can be recycled and reused over and over again.

7. Aggregates

Aggregates such as gravel and sand are widely used in construction.

They can be recycled and reused in new projects and are often recycled on-site.

8. Plasterboard

Plasterboard can be recycled into new plasterboard or used as aggregate in other construction projects.

9. Plastics

Plastics such as PVC and PET can be recycled into new products such as piping, fencing, and flooring.

10. Flooring and surface surface coverings

Floor and wall coverings such as tile and carpet can be recycled or if in good condition can be reused in other projects.

The important thing is to divert these waste materials from landfill.

Recycling building materials is not only good for the environment but can also be good for your business.

For example, recycling concrete and brick can save costs on dump fees and new materials.

So, next time you’re planning a construction or demolition project, keep recycling in mind.

You may be surprised at how many of the materials can be reused.